الأربعاء، 26 يونيو 2013


Tipping toward immigrationSee what shall a man wishes ... and what dreams ... practicing sports ... to achieve the dream of a small or large? Marry ..!!! Of a loved person.Worship ... or dream of serving the people or dreamed that it serves the people ... all the stages in the writing stage melt ... endless dreams of many other small ambitions and large have a beginning has no endSuccess fame creativity love progress to serve people and help them. But what if you can not check any of these dreams dream ..Iraqi citizen because you all your dreams crashed under Saraf tanks and exploded arteries of patience, patience and missed the whole قناعاتك and your cities and collapsed bridges dreams crashed ... letters, statements and lies and tricks until we have lost the meaning of meanings ...Days and days pass and we await Kalmtsolan on the door of the days and we say will be realized dreams until I looked at the المراءة found things in my face were not exist ... I found all the effects of the wars that have passed us and found the body of my brother, who lost in the war of 1991, I found in my eyes kids crying on the coffins of books by Aahelm for Atrhal Please Aesber me to Atnvz ... and when I opened those coffins found Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor found ... I found others, I do not know women wearing black uniforms sitting on the road waiting people will not return never never neverIn my forehead Wright black hole and when I looked at him and found refuge Ameria, burnt flesh and a sharp piece of steel he wrote three letters (USA) kids running and burning and laughing and crying ...

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